Protest The Tory Party Conference in Manchester
Sunday 3rd October
Plus Events Around the Tory Conference in Manchester 2-6th October
The Tories are back in Manchester 3-6th Oct for their annual conference. We plan to strongly oppose them throughout. We have organised a National Demonstration for Sunday 3/10/21. This will assemble at 12pm, Oxford Rd, next to Whitworth Park, M14 4PW. Speakers at the demonstration will be confirmed very soon.
Join Us!
There will also be a programme of opposition events, protests and vigils from 2-6th Oct to coincide with the Tory conference in a marquee in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester City Centre.
We have lots of great speakers coming for the demo and events. For instance, for our programme of events we have events with Jeremy Corbyn, Laura Pidcock, Barry Gardiner, Angela Raynor, Steve Turner, Rob Delaney, Maxine Peake, Shami Chakrabarti, Take Back Theatre, Drive to Survive, Black Lives Matter, Stand Up to Racism, NHS, Social Care, trade unions, Stop The War Coalition, CND, Tenants Unions, housing, education and environmental representatives. Plus more to be arranged and confirmed.
We will combine protest, theatre, comedy and informed debate in a great programme of events in relation to Kill The Bill, climate crisis, jobs, trade unions and the social movements, fire and rehire, NHS and Social Care, education, housing, anti war and nuclear disarmament (plus more).
To give an ideas of some of the events, on Monday 4th we have Jeremy Corbyn in conversation with Rob Delaney. After this he has an event with his Peace and Justice Campaign that’ll include Maxine Peake. Then to round off the evening he will lead a candlelight vigil in the city centre for all the people who have lost their lives due to the Tories, their austerity, their wealth before health response to the pandemic and everything else.
October is Black History Month and we have events and protests that’ll coincide well with this. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) have agreed to support the demo and events, so will also be there. For instance, following Priti Patel’s speech at the Tory Conference, there will be a ‘Take The Knee’ protest (organised with SUTR), then a ‘Priti Patel Versus The People’ event with representation from BLM. Then later on, a performance of the Len Johnson play.
The theme and hash tag for the demo and events is #UnitedAgainstTheTories.
We urgently need to build strong movement against the Tories that unites the progressive left and the various campaigns and unions. So the demonstration and events will be calling for this and hopefully inspire people to get involved and active.
The Facebook link is
We’ll be sending out the programme of events very soon as well as updates on social media and in newsletters.
Come and join us! We hope to make this big so it’ll be great if people could share the demo info on social media (and the programme of events when released) within your networks, union branches, work place, community etc.