Become a member
For the first time, you can join the People’s Assembly as a member and be part of creating the biggest, strongest, boldest movement for change.
We all know the conditions facing us right now:
A rampant Tory government, oblivious to the harm they are doing.
A weak and ineffective opposition, scared of its own shadow.
A catastrophic cost of living crisis.
Things have to change. But no one is going to do it for us – we will just have to do it ourselves!
Changing to a People’s Assembly membership system will help us move to another level of mobilisation, meaning that all your voices and many more will be heard, loud and clear, on the streets and in the corridors of power.
The People’s Assembly is all about you! Your activism, your campaigns, your demonstrations and your events. And we hope you will join us and become a member today. If you do, you can be part of a local People’s Assembly group, meeting like minded people and being part of making change in your own community, and you could even become a delegate to our annual conference.